Picture of a bookshelf
About the library
The focus of the collection of the Library of the Academy for European Human Rights Protection is on international human rights protection, public law, international public law and comparative constitutional law. The library grew out of the library of the Institute for East European and Comparative Law, which, like the former Institute for East European Law, dates back to 1964. Until recently, the library's collection focused on literature on the public law of the USSR successor states with an emphasis on the Russian Federation and the countries of Eastern Europe, German constitutional law, international law, comparative law and GDR law.
Our library is a reference library. It is possible to use the books in the reading room. Due to the limited number of workstations, prior registration with the librarians Teresa Kastl or Ilona Laszczyk is requested.
Limited lending of books is possible upon request. Loan periods are determined in consultation with the library staff. When borrowing books, a valid ID (UCCard) must be presented and a loan slip must be filled out. A part of our book and periodical holdings (country sections with the shelfmark: D III-D VI; Yugoslavia, Soviet Union, Czech Republic, Hungary) is located in the stacks area. This stock is currently not freely accessible. Holdings on the Topic law of the GDR with the call number: D II 1/1 - D II 37/1 are located in rooms of the Institute for Modern Private Lawhistory (38/216).
Wearing an FFP2 or medical mask is still strongly recommended in all indoor areas of the university! For more information, please visit https://portal.uni-koeln.de/en/coronavirus/information-for-students-and-faculty
Opening times
For the use of workstations and borrowing, prior registration with the library staff is requested.
Dipl.-Bibl. Teresa Kastl (Tel: (0221) 470-5590, E-mail: tkastluni-koeln.de)
Research possibilities
- The library's holdings are fully recorded online and searchable in the USB online catalog. Please feel free to use the search form below. The seal of the library is 219 and is always at the beginning of each signature.
- The list of all journals available in the library with holdings records can be found here. The collection can be searched using the search form below.
- A list of databases with access via the university network or VPN can be found on the university library page