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Collaborative projects

The Academy for European Human Rights Protection is involved in various collaborative projects and works closely with its partners. Please find further information on the individual projects in the links below.

PhD-projects at a glance

At the Academy, academics conduct research on international human rights protection, international public law, comparative constitutional law and the law of Central and Eastern European states. You can view the individual dissertation projects and further information on the respective projects below. If you have any questions about the individual projects, please contact the person in charge directly. 

If you are interested in doing a PhD at the Academy for European Human Rights Protection, please contact the secretariat (Ms Marina Schneider)​​​​​​​.


Publications at a glance

Angelika Nußberger, Globuli gegen Diktaturen, in: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 03.04.2024

Lorenz Wielenga, Thüringen-AfD Yasaklanmalı mı?, Der Rechtsstaat / Hukuk Devleti, Nr: 1, Sy: 1, Februar / Şubat 2024, 13-24

Laura Jäckel/Timo Laven/Yannick Schoog, Referendarexamensklausur – Öffentliches Recht: Verfassungsrecht – Finanzspritze für parteinahe Stiftungen, in: JuS, 2024, Heft 3, p. 256- 262

Yannick Schoog, The Justiciability of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in Germany, in: The Justiciability of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, p. 155-182, 2023

Angelika Nußberger, General Report: The Justiciability of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, in: The Justiciability of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, p. 1-55, 2023

Angelika Nußgerger & Claus Kreß, Gerechtigkeit als Utopie?, Völkerrechtliche Verbrechen in der Ukraine, in: Politikum, Heft 4/23, p. 11-17

Angelika Nußberger, „Menschenrechte dürfen auf keinen Fall eine Ideologie des Westens sein“, SWR Kultur, 12. December 2023 [in German]

J. Miklasová, Dissolution of the Soviet Union Thirty Years On: Re-Appraisal of the Relevance of the Principle of Uti Possidetis Iuris, in Viñuales/Clapham/Boisson de Chazournes/Hébié (eds.), The International Legal Order in the XXIst Century, Brill, 2023

Júlia Miklasová, Empirical and Theoretical Perspectives on International Law: How States Use the UN General Assembly to Create International Obligations. By Rossana Deplano, British Yearbook of International Law, 2022

Angelika Nußberger, Zum Schutz aller Bürger:innen. 70 Jahre Europäische Menschenrechtskonvention, Podcasts Ö1 of the ORF, 13.11.-17.11.2023

Areas of Research