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Honoured by the Council of Europe


Prof. Dr DDr. h.c. Angelika Nußberger was honoured as one of 75 women who have had an influence on the Council of Europe as part of the Council of Europe's awareness-raising campaign "75 women in 75 years of Council of Europe history".


"As Judge and Vice-President of the European Court of Human Rights, a member of the Venice Commission, and Judge at the Constitutional Court of Bosnia-Herzegovina, she acively engaged in stregthening rule of law and human rights, and building bridges between East and West."

Amazing news from Strasbourg!

This year's Cologne HPMCC team was able to build on its outstanding success from last year and advance to the quarter-finals of the final round in Strasbourg as one of the best 8 teams out of 60 participating teams from all over Europe.

The final round, in which 18 teams from numerous Council of Europe member states took part, took place from 27.05-31.05.2024 in Strasbourg.

We would like to congratulate Theresa Molitor, Matthias Hermes, Jannik Hasler and Gergana Stoyanova on this fantastic achievement!

Angelika Nußberger on Deutschlandfunk radio on the International Criminal Court and the Middle East conflict

Prof. Dr DDr. h.c. Angelika Nußberger was a guest on Deutschlandfunk radio and spoke about the International Criminal Court and its role in the Middle East conflict.

Listen to the entire interview here. [German]

Prof. Nußberger together with Federal Minister of Justice Marco Buschmann

Prof. Nußberger was invited to a joint discussion with Minister of Justice Marco Buschmann on the topic of 75 years of the Basic Law.

Event "Der Mittlere Osten in einer veränderten Weltordnung"

On 24.04.2024, the event "Der Mittlere Osten in einer veränderten Weltordnung" (The Middle East in a Changing World Order) took place on the premises of the Academy for European Human Rights Protection.


The event was organized by the Academy for International Politics NRW and the Academy for European Human Rights Protection at the University of Cologne. A panel discussion with Navid Kermani, one of Germany's most important cultural bridge builders and leading intellectuals, and Dr. Mayssoun Zein Al Din, Director of the Academy for International Affairs NRW, moderated by Prof. Dr. Angelika Nußberger, Director of the Academy for European Human Rights Protection, took place to discuss the opportunities and challenges associated with this region.

The conference was opened by a welcoming address from Minister Nathanael Liminski, Minister for Federal and European Affairs, International Affairs and Media of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia and Head of the State Chancellery.

We would like to thank all participants!

Meeting of Prof Angelika Nußberger as a member of a delegation of the Venice Commission with the Polish Minister of Justice

Prof. Angelika Nußberger travelled to Warsaw on 25 April 2024 to take part in a meeting with the Polish Minister of Justice, Adam Bodnar, as a member of the Venice Commission. The reason for the meeting was an exchange of views on the law drafted by the Polish Ministry of Justice to amend the law on the National Judicial Council, which aims to restore the right to elect judges.

The Venice Commission is an advisory body to the Council of Europe on constitutional issues, which is committed to the principles of democracy and the rule of law. Information on the work of the Venice Commission can be found here.

Abholung und Einsichtnahme in Klausuren (Übung ÖffR & International Human Rights)

Die Klausuren zur Übung im Öffentlichen Recht (gestellt von Dr. Paula Rhein-Fischer) können zu den Öffnungszeiten der Akademie abgeholt werden.

Es kann zudem nun Einsichtnahme in die Klausuren zur Schwerpunktsbereichsvorlesung "International Human Rights" gewährt werden.

Die Öffnungszeiten der Akademie, sowie die Adresse finden Sie hier.

Dr. Cathérine Van de Graaf contributes to report

Dr. Cathérine Van de Graaf contributes to report “Charting progress: A comparative analysis of national LGBTIQ equality action plans in the European Union”

Together with Pieter Cannoot (an assistant professor specializing in Law and Diversity at Ghent University), Cathérine Van de Graaf mapped the state of implementation of national LGBTIQ action plans across the EU member states.

This report provides a detailed overview of the state of implementation in EU Member States of (national) action plans or strategies on LGBTIQ equality. While it does not analyse the state of LGBTIQ equality in the Member States as such, it explores whether and to what degree EU Member States make use of action plans/strategies in order to protect and promote the fundamental rights of LGBTIQ people. As such, the report answers the increasing calls from EU institutions and civil society for comparable data on the human rights situation of LGBTIQ people across the EU. It concentrates on three pivotal phases associated with a national action plan: preparation, content and implementation, monitoring, and evaluation. The report offers an extensive mapping of the key measures, entities, and strategies involved at the national level in developing, adopting, implementing, monitoring, and evaluating these national LGBTIQ action plans.

The full report is now available.

Presentation during the Annual Legal Seminar of the European network of Legal Experts in Gender Equality and Non-Discrimination

During the 2023 Annual Legal Seminar of the European network of Legal Experts in Gender Equality and Non-Discrimination in Brussels in December, they presented their findings to national experts and members of the European Commission.

Cathérine and Pieter's presentation started with an introductory overview of the framework concerning LGBTIQ Equality within the European Union and provided a detailed analysis of the national action plans mapping of the key measures, entities, and strategies involved at the national level in developing, adopting, implementing, monitoring, and evaluating these national LGBTIQ action plans.

The recording of this presentation is available online.

A delegation from the Academy for European Human Rights Protection visited Ritsumeikan University in Kyoto and Meiji University in Tokyo.

Human rights are universal, apply to all people everywhere, are indivisible and inalienable. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948 is based on this fundamental conviction. What this means in academic practice and how deeply this conviction is anchored is most impressively demonstrated by the academic exchange with international colleagues.

This opportunity was offered to a three-person delegation from the Academy for European Human Rights Protection in the week from 4 March to 10 March 2024. The delegation was led by Professor Angelika Nußberger. She was accompanied by Dr Paula Rhein-Fischer and Frederic Kupsch. All three had the opportunity to engage in dialogue with Japanese human rights and constitutional law experts at two conferences at Ritsumeikan University in Kyoto and Meiji University in Tokyo.

At the invitation of Professor Masahisa Deguchi, who had already visited the Academy for European Human Rights Protection twice recently and has long maintained close relations with the University of Cologne, the three delegation members gave lectures as part of the "2024 Comparative Research Seminar on Asian, European and International Human Rights between University of Cologne and Ritsumeikan University". In a small circle of high-calibre experts from the fields of law and diplomacy, they discussed sections of Japanese history from the Second World War, aspects of the principles of equality and the regulation of social media. The intensive conference days were rounded off with an excursion to Nara, the former capital of Japan (710 to 784).

The following day, Professor Angelika Nußberger, Dr Paula Rhein Fischer and Frederic Kupsch took part in the "Fifth K-J Joint Workshop: The comparative study of the case law of the ECtHR" of a Korean-Japanese research network on the topic of "Resilience and Sustainability of Human Rights in an Unstable World" at Meiji University in Tokyo. The workshop was organised by Professor Akiko Ejima, whom the Academy had already welcomed as a guest researcher. The workshop and a symposium were part of an annual meeting of a Korean-Japanese research network whose participants conduct research on European human rights protection. The Vietnamese perspective was also represented by a researcher. Professor Nußberger not only gave the keynote speech, but also commented on various papers. Dr Paula Rhein-Fischer and Frederic Kupsch had the opportunity to present their research projects.

The whole trip and especially the last day at Meiji University showed that although we live in an uncertain, unstable world where human rights are under increasing pressure, there are always signs of hope in our everyday work. The close and friendly cooperation between our Korean and Japanese colleagues - despite the historical cultural and social tensions between the two countries - which is based on the same fundamental convictions as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, made a deep impression on us and allows us to look to the future with greater optimism in our work.

We would like to thank our hosts for their warm welcome and their great care for us. Their strong commitment and passion for their research are an inspiration to us. We are already looking forward to welcoming a Japanese delegation to Cologne in September 2024!

[This content is not available in "Englisch" yet] Prof. Nußerger am 10.04 mit Helga Kirchner

Am Mittwoch den 10.04. um 19 Uhr ist Frau Nußberger von Helga Kirchner bei der Veranstaltungsreihe "Lebensromane" eingeladen.

"Europas Zusammenhalt und die Entwicklung in Osteuropa sind ihre Lebensthemen. Angelika Nußberger, geboren in München, studierte zunächst Slawistik, dann Rechtswissenschaften. Sie spricht Englisch, Französisch, Russisch, versteht Italienisch und Spanisch. Die zweifache Mutter legte eine akademische Ausnahmekarriere hin, absolvierte viele Stationen, auch die der Richterin am Europäischen Gerichtshof für Menschenrechte, und wurde vielfach ausgezeichnet. Gerühmt wird Angelika Nußbergers Offenheit gegenüber anderen Fachperspektiven. Das Recht ist für sie wesentlicher Teil einer zivilisatorischen Gesamtentwicklung im Sinne einer umfassenden Humanität. Gerade in diesen Krisen- und Kriegszeiten ist sie als Expertin europaweit gefragt. Zum Gespräch bringt sie das Memoir Frei – Erwachsenwerden am Ende der Geschichte mit. Die Autorin Lea Ypi ist in Albanien aufgewachsen."

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