Fabius Wittmer
Fabius Wittmer studied – supported by the Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes – law at the Humboldt-University of Berlin, the Moscow State Linguistic University (MGLU) and the Moscow State University (MGU). After finishing the first state examination (2018) he worked at the chair for public law and financial law of Prof. Dr. Christian Waldhoff at the Humboldt-University of Berlin as a research assistant.
During his legal clerkship (2019-2021) at the Kammergericht in Berlin he worked, inter alia, at the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety and the law firm Redeker Sellner Dahs.
Since finishing the second state examination he works as a research assistant at the law firm Redeker Sellner Dahs and is working on his PhD project which aims at comparing German and Russian constitutional law on religion.
In January 2022, he joined the Academy for European Human Rights Protection as a research assistant. He is organising the annual Summer School in German law for Polish lawyers with the University of Gdansk.
Areas of Research
- Constitutional Law
- Human Rights (especially freedom of religion)
- European and international law
- Russian constitutional law
- Comparative law
List of Publications
- Sangi/Wittmer, Bundeswahlgesetz 2023 überwiegend verfassungsgemäß, Anmerkung zu BVerfG, Urteil vom 30.7.2024 – 2 BvF 1/23 u. a., NVwZ 2024, S. 1341-1343
- Sangi/Wittmer, Finanzierungsausschluss NPD/Die Heimat, Anmerkung zu BVerfG, Urteil vom 23.1.2024 – 2 BvB 1/19, DVBl 2024, S. 715-718
- Sangi/Wittmer, Anmerkung zu EuGH, Urteil vom 16.2.2022 – C-156/21, EuZW 2022, 467.
- Wittmer/Waldhoff, Religious Education in Germany in Light of Religious Diversity: Constitutional Requirements for Religious Education, German Law Journal 20 (2019), S. 1047-1065
- Mashkova/Wittmer, Особенности взаимоотношений между Европейским судом по правам человека и органами конституционного правосудия Германии и Австрии: сравнительно аспект („Features of Interaction between the European Court of Human Rights and Bodies of Constitutional Justice in Germany and Austria: Comparative and Legal Aspects“), Конституционное и муниципальное право 12 (2016), S. 57-61
- Krogmann/Wittmer, Erfolgloser-Hehler-Fall, famos 02/2014, http://www.famos.jura.uni-wuerzburg.de/
Academy for European Human Rights Protection
Kerpener Str. 30
50937 Köln
E-mail fabius.wittmer(at)uni-koeln.de