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Photo: Arthur Lubig

Sophie Girardini

Sophie Giardini completed her bachelor’s degree in International and European Law (2021) and her master’s degree in International Human Rights Law (2023) at the University of Groningen, Netherlands, focusing during her master’s thesis on stereotypes of Muslim and Roma women in European human rights law. After working on current issues of access to justice for women in the Maghreb region at ARPA International Law Group and at the Moroccan National Human Rights Institution in Rabat, Morocco, she absolved an internship at the human rights division of the German Development Cooperation (GIZ) in Bonn.

Since Mai 2024, she has been a research assistant and doctoral student at the Academy for European Human Rights Protection at the University of Cologne.

Research areas

  • European Human Rights Protection
  • International law
  • Non-discrimination law

Research project

Sophie Giardini is currently researching the role of stereotypes within the case law of the ECtHR. She is particularly focussing on understanding how the Court approaches stereotypes regarding different human rights claims, where it risks endorsing or tolerating stereotypes and where it addresses and successfully dismantles them. Her research aims at regarding the stereotyping from a wholistic view, moving beyond gender stereotyping.



Sophie Girardini
PhD Candidate and Research Assistant

Kerpener Str. 30
50937 Köln

Telephone +49 221 470 5527
E-mail sophie.girardini(at)
